9 de jan. de 2011

FIS Tour De Ski - Women's Final Climb

       Neste dia 8 de Janeiro aconteceu a última etapa do FIS Tour De Ski em Val di Fiemme, Itália. E quem mais uma vez chegou na frente foi a polonesa Justyna Kowalczyk, ficando com o 1º lugar da etapa e do rank do Tour. Therese Johaug da Noruega fez uma excelente prova, largou em quinto e conseguiu chegar em 2º lugar passando a Petra Majdic, Arianna Follis e Marianna Longa. As italianos Marianna Longa e Arianna Follis acabaram disputando o 3º lugar e quem levou a melhor foi a Longa.

Justyna Kowalczyk

“It is a really good victory to me, it has been 10 though days. I am very happy about being on top of Alpe Cermis, and the next week will be all about resting. I was tired, my legs were in pain and all I could think of was the finish line. I heard Therese was attacking, but I was not afraid of her winning in front of me. If the time gap would have been smaller I would have went faster. I was not giving 100% in the last hill.
Otepää will be my next race, and I hope to be in great shape for the World Cup here, because it is my favorite place skiing”.

Therese Johaug

“It was a really great race today, my shape is really good and I had great skis. I had a dream about finishing second today, and I was really happy when I saw Longa up at the hill. Overtaking the girls was a really great moment, and this is the best I have done in my career so far.
I will go back home to Dalsbygda now and stay there for a week and a half relaxing before we will go to Otepää. I think it will be good to come home and take a break from the skis. Oslo is of course my dream of the season, and I hope my shape will be even better for the Championship there”.

Marianna Longa

“It was a very hard race today, the climbing is really really though. I am so tired right now. Therese Johaug was really strong yesterday, and she was even more dangerous for me today. I am really satisfied with winning third place today, and I am happy with my race.
The next event for me will be Rybinsk, and a National Championship in Italy”.

Rank Final 8/8:

rank           Name                                                                              Nation               Tot.Time
1                 KOWALCZYK Justyna                                                                         2:47:31.0
2                 JOHAUG Therese                                                                                 2:48:52.5
3                 LONGA Marianna                                                                                  2:50:11.7
4                 FOLLIS Arianna                                                                                    2:50:50.9
5                 KALLA Charlotte                                                                                  2:51:58.7
6                 MAJDIC Petra                                                                                        2:52:23.6
7                 KRISTOFFERSEN Marthe                                                                        2:52:40.0
8                 LAHTEENMAKI Krista                                                                            2:52:46.2
9                 ELDEN Marte                                                                                          2:52:56.6
10               JACOBSEN Astrid Uhrenholdt                                                               2:53:28.9

 Mais/more/mehr: http://www.fiscrosscountry.com/

Fotos: Philippe Montigny/Agence Zoom/Getty Images Europe

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